Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Even More Creative Quitting

What you can do with a dry erase board and a digital camera. This is an even better way to quit!

Girl Quits 33 photos

This is from TheChive archive. Thanx, Debblz!

Feel free to comment!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Creative Quitting

Kudos to JetBlue Flight Attendant Steven Slater on quitting his job creatively. The profane rant on the PA didn't need to be so *colorful* but the deployment of the emergency chute and sliding down with a beer in each hand gets a "10" for originality. Genius!

He got hit in the head with the passenger's luggage that the passenger was pulling down from the overhead compartment, causing two gashes, and the passenger didn't have the good grace to apologize, calling Slater a mo-fo instead. It is completely understandable to me for Slater to end his flight attending the way he did. Makes me wish there were super-creative ways to quit the jobs I had that I just couldn't stand for another instant.

How about you? Your comments are most welcome.